A..M……….. :  a social experimental exhibition


What is art? How we appreciate artworks? And how do weappreciate artworks things when we are in an art exhibition?

I want to have a exhibition which looks like a basic art exhibition, but not for presenting artworks. It’s for me to explore these social questions.


The exhibition has basic ingredients of an art exhibition. A poster, paintings, “sculptures”, videos, interactive art.

I assume how people might behave based on my experience. I build up the manipulation evel. For example, it starts with a basic painting, then people need to touch something to appreciate the second painting. Then they need to go back and forth to see the whole sculpture……

“You can do whatever you want here, no one will watch you but there is a camera.” This is a message for every visiter.


I check the footage from the cameras. Not surprisingly, most of people behaved just as I assumed. There are also some surprise.

But still, people follow a certain rules when they enter an art exhibition. Such as read the instruction, and pick up the headphone of a video. Designers can use this to build manipulation in the exhibition.

Or we can use a sweeter word: persuation.